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Customer Returns-Grade A-Box of Regular printed T-shirts Disney, Marvel, Netflix etc.-Apparel- 100 t-shirts - RRP €2500

Vendor: OPT OnDemand

Shipping and tax calculated at checkout.

Bidding prices are excluding VAT.

Marketplace Listing - Must be purchased individually. The vendor's Shipping Policy applies.

Weight (Volumetric): 16.42 kg

Taxable: Yes

SKU: DMSHIRTS08222024275

The box has a mix of returned t-shirts, Grade A from marketplaces, without any damages or spots. Regular t-shirts (50 pcs women, 50 pcs men) in L size, printed with Disney, Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, Netflix, MTV etc. designs. They are mainly in black and white colors, but also there are other colors: Heather grey, Pink, Royal blue, Navy Blue. 

THESE PRODUCTS MUSTNT BE SOLD ONLINE—ideal product for retail sales, street market sales, and events sales.

  • Items are untested and unsorted by Jobalots and may be damaged, coming directly from the source company.
  • All products will need to be checked, and in some cases repaired to current safety standards before resale.
  • No warranty/guarantee on any items.
  • Products might have missing parts.
  • Perishable products may have exceeded their expiry/use-by dates.
  • Please note that size, colour, and style may vary.
  • Products could arrive with international plugs.
  • Please note that the total inventory or RRP of your order may vary +/- 10%
  • Images are for illustrative purposes only.





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